C o n t a c t
Want to play in the Nest? We prioritize singer-songwriters playing acoustic music.
Write us for information .
Davis is a community that appreciates art and music. Below are some of the venues that support local music. Contact them directly if you want to perform or enjoy their music. Thank you for supporting local live music.
Robin's Nest House Concerts
Robin Dewey
Davis, CA 95616
Offered between May and September, weather and schedules permitting.
The Melon Ball
Watermelon Music
1970 Lake Blvd Ste 1
Davis, CA 95616
Concerts offered several times through the month, see watermelonmusic.com or The Melon Ball Facebook page for more info.
Thursday Live
Juelie Roggli
Odd Fellows Lodge
Offered the first Thursday of every month except July and August.
Davis Music
Offered annually during the 3rd weekend in June, spanning 8 downtown venues, showcasing over 40 bands.